Prescience Lab
Northwestern University
Welcome to the Prescience Lab, the research group of Peter Dinda. We
work on a range of things in systems. It's "prescience" as via the
Latin praescientia.
Do you program or manage programming in any capacity? Please take our floating point survey.
Current Projects
Distinguished Former Members
Completed Projects
V3VEE: An Open Source Virtual Machine Monitor For Modern Architectures
ESP: The Empathic Systems ProjectABSYNTH: Sensor Network Programming Systems For Non-experts
Virtuoso: Resource Management and Prediction for Distributed Computing Using Virtual Machines
Clairvoyance: Resource Measurement and Prediction for Distributed Interactive Applications
Peer-to-Peer Systems
User Comfort: Understanding User Comfort With Resource Borrowing (This has become the Empathic Systems Project)
URGIS: A Unified Relational Approach to Grid Information Services
GA-IDS: Genetic Art For Intrusion Detection
Virtualized Audio: Immersive Interactive Audio
Minet: A user-level TCP/IP stack
Tsunami: Multiresolution Resource Queries and Other Applications of Wavelets to Resource Signals
WatchTower: Windows Performance Monitoring and Data Reduction
Diffusion: Zero Cost Information Dissemination
RTSA: Real-time Scheduling Advisors
Recent talks and papers can be found under each of the individual projects. Additional talks and additional papers are also available.
FPSpy: A tool for studying the floating point behavior of existing, unmodified binaries
Nautilus Aerokernel: A kernel framework for building hybrid parallel runtime systems
Philix: A toolchain for booting your third-party OS on the Intel Xeon Phi.
ClapIR: An iOS app for measuring room acoustics.
Batphone: An iOS app for acoustic-based indoor localization.
Sonar Power Manager: Ultrasonic sonar-based user presence detection
Palacios: An open-source virtual machine monitor for modern architectures
RPS: An extensible toolkit for building resource prediction systems. The Running Time Advisor and Real-time Scheduling Advisor codes are also included.
Playload: A tool for playing back realistic CPU workloads stored in host load traces.
Minet: A user-level network stack.
Linux Diffusion: Tools for piggybacking extra information on packets
GridG: A generator of computational grids
TameParallelTCP: Estimate throughput and impact of parallel TCP flows
Virtuoso Tools: VNET, VSched, Wayback and others
Host Load Trace Archive: About one gigabyte of host load traces.
Prescience Lab Testbed (Internal Only)
ABSYNTH Sensor Network Environment (Internal Only)
Honeynut Cluster (nee Virtuoso Cluster)
Distributed Optical Testbed (DOT Cluster - defunct)
VLab (for systems education)